Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I was at work yesterday and I suddenly had to get this out.  I'm preaching to myself mostly, but I thought I'd share it with y'all.

The funny thing about coworkers is that you can laugh, roll your eyes, crack jokes, work together...and never once discuss a serious matter.  Sure, you can make an impact on their lives by being different, but it's rare that you ever have time to sit down and discuss important issues.  Issues about life and death and whether this life is all there is. The only things that really matter in this life are completely overlooked or pushed aside for "later".  Will we ever realize the things we shy away from are the very things we need to bring into the open?  This life is not all there is; Heaven and Hell are not storybook places.  Our souls, after we die, will go to spend eternity in the place we ourselves have determined for them.  The debate, "Do people who've never heard of Jesus go to hell?" isn't something I'm going to discuss right now.  But let me tell you this; if we know the truth, and never speak about it, it is not anyone's fault but ours.  And in the whole scheme of life, wouldn't you rather you took a stand for what you believe, rather than being just another ant in the anthill? 
Jesus Christ was never silent about what was right and true, so why are we?  Christians are supposed to be "little Christs", but if we're not emulating Christ, we might as well be labeled, "Satanians".  As Christ Himself said, "He who is not with Me is against me".  Let's get it together and stop handling others' spiritual conditions as though they were second place.  This is our fight; this is where we make a stand.  Open your mouth - if you're obeying our Lord and Savior and answering your call as a follower, He will bless it.  Every word that you speak for His glory, He will use.  Maybe it's not the way you thought it should go, maybe it happens the exact way you pictured; regardless of all that, God has a magnificent plan and even if you can't see it, He has used and continues to use your words to glorify Himself. 
We all make mistakes; not one of us is guilt free.  But the breathtaking beauty of God's grace is that it covers all of our sin.  If you are a drug addict, or a pastor's kid, your sins are equally forgiven.  The choice to follow Jesus and seek Him with every fiber of your being means that every sin you have committed is washed away in the flood of His lovingkindness and grace.  Oh, the joy and peace it brings me to know I am counted blameless in God's eyes!  The doubts I have in my foolish moments are but shadows that I myself have created.  The expanse of God's love far exceeds any doubt I could ever have.  I live because of His grace.  Many times have I been near physical death, and many times He has seen me and rescued me.  I don't deserve to live, I don't know why He found it fit to save me, but I do know that I have a purpose.  The Lord Jesus has redeemed my soul, so it is only fitting for me to give Him my life.  Jesus, I love you.

<3 Mik

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