Monday, December 6, 2010


So it's been the better part of three months since I've written...yikes!  It's time I got back into the swing of things!  I'll admit that this past month, I've been up and down with how close I am to God.  I've been letting the little things get in the way instead of pushing them aside and taking time with the Lord.  But I'm so thankful that He never gives up on me, no matter how blind I am!!  So I'm taking the plunge again and pushing forward to follow Him more earnestly than ever.

During Bible class the other day, I heard a teacher, and he was discussing Psalm 23.  Verse 2 says, “He makes me to lie down in green pastures: He leads me beside the still waters.”  I always thought, “Oh ok, great!  God takes care of us.”  But the teacher started explaining things and all of the sudden it made so much more sense!  
In Israel, he said, you can look around and it’s dry.  If you’re a sheep, you could wander around for miles and not find green grass to eat.  But the shepherd always knows where the green grass is, and all of the sheep depend on him to lead them to nourishment.  The teacher compared us to the sheep and he said that God will always lead us to green grass if we follow Him.  But if we’re completely worried about where we’re going to find our next grass, and we forget to enjoy where we are now, what good is it to us?  We need to stop worrying and enjoy the pastures we’re in right now.  It made me stop and think and it really encouraged me to just let go and let God lead me while I enjoy where I am.
It reminds me of what Paul says in Philippians 4.  Paul has been in and out of prison, he’s been beaten, he’s been threatened, but he still writes letters of encouragement to the different churches!  In verse 11, he says, “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:”  That’s what I’m learning to be.  I’m learning to be content where I am, but ready to move wherever God wants me.  As long as I keep my eyes fixed on Him, He can change my attitude and help me be content.  It's not going to be easy, but God never promised us the easy road =)
<3 Mik