People sometimes ask, “What are the things that change your life? What are the things that shape it?” Maybe it’s appreciating every day, maybe it’s having a place to live; or maybe it’s knowing that there’s a heavenly Father who’s got your back. I’m not sure about every single thing that changes us or shapes our lives, but I do know one thing: tragedy speaks to our hearts like nothing else. It breaks us, it causes us to rediscover the joys of taking a breath, and it draws us together because we all have something in common, whether we’re Muslim, Christian, black, white, English, or Spanish. It is disaster that brings us together and it is a pity that it’s often the only thing that forces us out of our self-protected little bubbles and shakes us into the reality that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
If we were a nation after God’s own heart, our earthly hearts would be burdened every single day for every single soul that has not yet heard the Gospel. As it stands now, the majority of the world only prays for the other nations when they’re in a situation of need; do you not realize that nations are always in need? Every morning when people wake up, it’s one more second that they don’t know the Good News, and it’s one breath closer to an eternity in the pit of Hell. Get off of your cushioned little seat and do something about it! Don’t suddenly pray for Japan because of the incredible damage done there, and then forget about it in a few months; your were born to serve God and to bring His Word to all nations, not just to hang out in a community group and blab about how much Jesus means to you! It’s great to commune with others and to encourage the body, but spending hours on your knees in the throne room, interceding for those who have no idea where they’re going to spend eternity, may be where God wants you right now. Maybe He wants you overseas, maybe He wants you to be on your knees, backing up those He has sent out; whatever it is that He is calling you to do, do it and do it with every fiber of your being. Don’t do it because everyone else is doing it, do it because we are all called to be missionaries, and if we’re not praying for lost souls, we’re not doing our job. And if we’re not doing the job our Father has instructed us to do, well then, He certainly has every right to punish us. I thank God for His incredible grace because with all of the mistakes you and I make every day, I should have been dead by the time I was a day old. But because of His incredible mercy and love, we are alive and vessels of His; use every breath wisely, because, who knows? It could be your last.
<3 Mik
Ouch! I love you! <3Mama