The part I want to focus on is dividing the light from the darkness. Let's link it over to Philippians 2:14-15 that says, "Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe..."
As Christians, it is our responsibility to shine like stars. Yeah yeah yeah, we've heard it before...but did you ever think about it this way? We DIVIDE the light from the darkness. We draw the line of righteousness. We are called to be different because we show the dividing line between the righteousness of God and the darkness of the devil. If we aren't shining brightly, how will the world understand the difference of right and wrong? Younger generations learn from what their parents do, what their siblings do, what their friends do. If we do nothing, how will they know the difference of right and wrong? "Oh they've got Godly friends", you think "they'll be fine". WAKE. UP. How dare you place your burden of responsibility on someone else's shoulders! This world is going down the tubes and all you can say is "They'll be fine"?! No. I want to live for the higher call of Christ, I want to divide His light from the darkness. I want to be the changing point in the lives of everyone I meet. I want to change this world for CHRIST. I don't care if I'm the only one fighting for change, because "those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” (2 Kings 6:16b) What can man do to me? I've got Jesus on my side!
So be a light and divide this world, don't be an airplane with its light going on and off. Don't be hot and cold for Jesus! It's so easy to sink into the everyday routine and forget your devotions; fight it!! An airplane is in the sky and it floats across the blackness of the night, but eventually it disappears from sight. Do you want to disappear from sight? Because if we are lukewarm about our duty as Christians, we will disappear without changing any lives. Let's go out kicking!!
<3 Mik
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